Many housewives use not only household chemicals, but also folk remedies, such as citric acid, to clean such an important part of the washing machine as the powder tray.
However, often all their efforts are in vain – the preparations are powerless against heavy stains.
Luckily, we found a recipe for a product that can make even the dirtiest litter box crystal clean.
What is noteworthy is that, according to housewives who have tried this cleaning method, it works flawlessly even in difficult cases when the container for washing powder is regularly exposed to water with a high iron content.
Last but not least, the benefit of this method is that it only requires readily available and inexpensive ingredients.
So, in a suitable container, mix 3 tablespoons of soda, the same amount of finely grated laundry soap (can be replaced with liquid soap) and 3-4 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide.
Mix all ingredients and apply to stained areas for 20-30 minutes.
After the specified time, wipe the tray with a sponge, paying special attention to dirt, then rinse off the remaining product with water.