Not everyone has the opportunity to install an expensive filtration system that could provide high-quality water purification.
Even a regular filter is not always at hand.
However, not everyone knows that water can be purified using a couple of simple methods.
If you have used filter jugs, you know very well that their cleaning function is also based on the use of carbon.
You can try the following method.
Take gauze, fold it in several layers. Place about five pieces of coal inside and tie it. Send this bag to the bottom of the container.
Pour in water. It is best to leave the liquid in this form overnight. In the morning, remove the gauze with coal. The water is ready for use.
Silver cleaning is considered one of the most effective. If you want your water to be clean and healthy, you should do the following.
Find a silver piece of jewelry without stones, clean it and wash it. Put it in a container, pour water in it and wait a few hours.
The water will become healthy and clean.