Any experienced housewife knows that it is not so easy to find a quality fabric conditioner.
Some products simply do not cope with their task, which cannot but be frustrating.
Other options may be of good quality, but they can be too expensive. Also, don't forget that some fabric softeners may not have the best effect on your skin and may even cause irritation.
Therefore, it is worth preparing an effective fabric softener yourself.
First, you need to boil the kettle and pour a glass of liquid. After the water has cooled down a bit, add 2-3 spoons of regular salt to it.
Make sure it dissolves completely. Then wait another 15 minutes and pour in 5-10 drops of any essential oil. Try to choose the aromas that you like the most.
Then pour the product into a bottle for storage.
Remember that the composition prepared according to this recipe can be stored without any problems. When using a washing machine, it is customary to take two large spoons of conditioner.
You can also use the product when washing by hand - just pour one spoon into a basin of water.
After using a home conditioner, items should be rinsed thoroughly and dried in the fresh air.