What housewives don’t use together with washing powder when washing clothes.
It's not just baking soda that's used - vinegar and even bay leaves and aspirin. These tricks were known back in Soviet times and were not called life hacks, but useful tips. Here's how to wash with aspirin.
They say that an aspirin tablet will help wash your laundry. To do this, grind 10 tablets into powder, then dissolve in 10 liters of warm water and soak the laundry in this solution for 10-12 hours.
Afterwards, all that remains is to wring out the items, throw them into the machine and turn on the appropriate mode. In this case, you can remove stubborn stains and lighten the laundry.
Another option will help in the case of washed laundry that you don’t really want to boil. Again, grind 2-3 aspirin tablets into powder. Mix with ready-made detergent, pour into the tray and wash on the appropriate setting.
Brings even yellowed laundry into order.
This product is recommended by many manufacturers. It is believed that it prevents scale, although not all housewives and home appliance repairmen agree with this statement. This substance can be replaced not only with citric acid, but also with regular aspirin.
For one wash, you need to pour powder made from 5 crushed tablets into the machine.