Cleanliness is the key to health. Everyone knows this. It is good if housewives are familiar with the school chemistry course and understand that not all cleaning and washing agents can be mixed.
The reason is that the vapors released by certain compounds can cause harm to health. Here are the worst examples.
In this case, the risk of getting chemical burns of the skin and mucous membranes increases. Separately from each other, they can be more useful, for example, when removing stains.
Chlorine and ammonia separately are far from incense. For example, if you wash windows or tiles in the bathroom with such a solution, you can damage the mucous membranes and respiratory tract.
Experts say that in this case, the emitted vapors can cause tearing, harm the mucous membranes of the nose, mouth, eyes, and also affect the respiratory system.
The tandem is not as dangerous as the ones mentioned above, but it is better to use them separately.
You shouldn't dilute chlorine with either vodka or alcohol. Firstly, the idea is completely devoid of common sense; and secondly, if you breathe in the fumes, you can lose consciousness or experience some other kind of discomfort.
Everything is simple here. Substances with the same purpose can be completely different in chemical composition. Only God knows how the resulting reaction can end. It would be good if the siphon pipes in the sink remained intact after this.