If Life Throws You a Lemon, Zest It: 5 Unusual Ways to Use Citrus Peel

24.01.2023 15:01

Citrus zest is famous for its beneficial properties, which is why there are many ways to use it.

Thus, crushed peel can be used in cosmetology.

To make a natural and very aromatic body scrub, you will need to mix fresh zest with olive oil and sugar.

The zest can also be useful in everyday life. Pour water over it and let it steep, then add a teaspoon of mustard – and here you have a product that will wash your dishes until they shine.

The same solution can be used to clean faucets from limescale and sinks from grease.

Photo: © Belnovosti

You can dip a sponge into the resulting solution and wipe the refrigerator with it - unpleasant odors will disappear from the refrigerator in no time.

It is also believed that lemon peels can drive away cockroaches. It is enough to spread citrus peels around the perimeter of the rooms, and the mustachioed guests will not cross your threshold.

Finally, let's remember the traditional use of zest - in cooking. Contrary to popular belief, zest has a place not only in baking, but also as a seasoning component for fish, sauce and meat.

Author: Elena Shimanovskaya Internet resource editor