Towels feel like sandpaper after washing: here's the mistake that leads to this result

14.01.2023 19:49

Even a very fluffy towel can become stiff and rough, like sandpaper, after several washes.

But this happens if the same mistake is made time and time again. It is better to understand why this happens than to look for tricks that will help to return softness and fluffiness to the products.

Some housewives add vinegar along with the detergents. It is believed that the acid improves the washing result, supposedly with it the towels will not turn into sandpaper.

But experts advise changing tactics a little. Instead of folk remedies, they recommend paying attention to what detergents are used.

For example, experts advise not to refuse conditioner. And instead of powder, it is better to use gel.

Photo: © Belnovosti

In addition, towels should always be washed in hot water. It's not just that such liquid kills germs better. Cold water makes the fabric stiffer, experts say.

Author: Dmitry Bobrovich Internet resource editor