Many housewives still throw the remaining foil from a chocolate bar into the trash bin without thinking twice.
However, there is another use for such seemingly waste.
To make scissors sharp again, you need to fold the foil in several layers and cut it into small pieces - the blades will become like new.
If you don't have a roll of food foil on hand and you've already marinated the chicken wings, use the same foil that the chocolate was wrapped in. If you wrap the tips of the wings and legs in foil, they will definitely not burn.
Chocolate foil can replace cling film or a lunch box if you need to take with you, for example, a sandwich for a snack.
Line the bottom of the container with foil, add a spoonful of soda and fill it with boiling water, then you can lower the silver items in. After 5 minutes, the jewelry will be as good as new.