One dirham a year. Durov told about his earnings

26.09.2024 09:57

The founder of the Telegram messenger Pavel Durov, who is under investigation in France, has baffled local law enforcement.

During interrogation, he told them about his earnings. He said that he received one dirham (the UAE currency) per year.

According to the official exchange rate of the National Bank of Belarus, 1 dirham is worth about 87 kopecks (25 Russian rubles, 1 US dollar is worth 3.67 dirhams).

The French newspaper Le Monde reported on the Russian’s statement, noting that he “loves to show off his ascetic lifestyle.”

It is worth noting that when Durov was questioned about his income, he informed investigators that he earned only one Emirati dirham per year.

Photo: Pavel Durov's TG channel

This left his interlocutors perplexed, MIA Rossiya Segodnya quotes the publication as saying.

The article points out that the founder of Telegram advocates a life without coffee, alcohol, meat, dairy products and drugs.

He, according to the newspaper, promotes morning ice baths and meditation in the desert.

Author: Pavel Gospodarik Internet resource editor