The ninth day of September was very important for our ancestors.
After all, it was during this period that firewood was usually prepared.
Peasants could not prepare logs at the end of summer or at the beginning of the calendar autumn.
The reason is the lack of time due to harvesting.
But before the beginning of the second ten-day period of the first autumn month, the cold weather began to be felt. That is why September 9 usually became the day for preparing firewood.
In addition, there are several signs associated with this period.
On this day, it makes sense to pay attention to the rowan. If its harvest is rich, then it is worth preparing for frequent rains in the coming autumn.
Snow falling on September 9 may foretell a poor harvest next year.
The early and “friendly” flight of birds to warmer weather promises a difficult winter in terms of weather conditions.
But early molting of chickens may indicate that the winter months will be relatively warm.
An abundance of cobwebs on September 9 may indicate good weather in the coming weeks. However, the winter may be quite frosty.
The presence of leaves on the cherry tree promises a long period of relatively high air temperature.