The creepiest sound in the world has been named: it is made by the oldest musical instrument

13.05.2024 10:33

Scientists have managed to recreate the most ancient musical instrument, which produces the most eerie sound in the world.

We are talking about the Aztec death whistle. It was possible to reproduce it thanks to modern technologies, or more precisely, 3D printing.

Scientists claim that the device produces a simply chilling sound.

The purpose of the instrument can only be guessed at, but the sound it produces resembles a human scream.

It is believed that it could have been used during sacrifices, other ritual actions or during wars.

Photo: Pixabay

The artifact was discovered during excavations in Mexico in 1999.

It is also curious that it was found next to decapitated human remains. The discovery was made near the temple of the wind god Ehecatl.

The whole horror of the sound is due to the structure of the whistle. It repeats the structure of the human larynx.

The frequency of the sound emitted by the find reaches 1-2 thousand hertz.

Scientists say this matches the frequency of a human scream when frightened.

Earlier we told you which 3 types of coffee are the most expensive .

Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor