Which stingrays are the largest in the world: their weight reaches 2-3 tons

04.03.2024 20:36

Manta, or giant sea devil, is the name of a species of rays whose size is incredibly large.

They can reach 7-8 meters in width, and their weight sometimes reaches 2-3 tons.

It is not surprising that these creatures, due to their enormous size, need a lot of food – small fish and plankton.

Teeth arranged in 16 rows help them get food.

However, people have nothing to fear – rays use their incisors to effectively filter zooplankton.

Photo: Pixabay

The danger of the manta comes from its inexplicable love of jumping - when this giant creature jumps out of the water and then falls back, the sound of the impact carries for several kilometers.

Considering that this fish can seriously injure a person with just one light flap of its “wings,” one can imagine what would happen to an onlooker who happened to be near a stingray carried away by its unusual jumps.

The fear is also added by the unusual growths on the front of the head, which are somewhat reminiscent of horns - perhaps this is why these giants received their second nickname - sea devils, which we mentioned at the very beginning.

Earlier we talked about which cat is considered the most popular in the world.

Elena Shimanovskaya Author: Elena Shimanovskaya Editor of Internet resources

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