Where is the largest forest in the world located: its length is 9 thousand kilometers

28.02.2024 12:13

The nature of our planet is rich and diverse, and one of its outstanding creations is forests.

They cover a large part of the land and perform many functions, such as providing oxygen, regulating climate, maintaining biodiversity and providing resources for humans.

In this context, it is especially interesting to learn about the largest of the forests – the Siberian taiga, which is believed to be located on the territory of Russia.

It begins in the European part of the country and, extending east from the upper reaches of the Volga and the Gulf of Finland, covers Altai, the Urals and part of Siberia, passing to the steppe regions and reaching the Far East.

The length of the taiga is about 9 thousand kilometers.

Photo: © Belnovosti

The taiga is heterogeneous in its composition due to its location in the temperate and subarctic zones.

The main tree species found in the taiga are spruce, cedar, fir, larch, etc. Aspen and birch trees also grow here, often appearing in deforested areas.

In addition, the Siberian taiga is famous for its fauna, which includes squirrels, deer, lynxes, roe deer, sables, bears, foxes and other animals.

Previously we talked about the smartest cat breeds .

Author: Elena Shimanovskaya Internet resource editor