What is the most expensive honey in the world: not everyone knows what makes it unique

26.10.2023 14:00

Honey is one of the most popular sweet products in the world due to its beneficial properties and high-quality composition.

It is used instead of sugar in healthy eating, and also in the preparation of various desserts.

Natural honey cannot be cheap, since the production technology is far from simple. However, sometimes the cost of some varieties can seriously surprise any gourmet.

What honey is considered the most expensive in the world

If you ever want to treat yourself to a truly elite product, then you should go to Turkey. It is in this country that elven honey is produced.

The product is quite expensive.

Photo: © Belnovosti

One kilogram costs almost seven thousand dollars.

Honey production began relatively recently: a little over ten years ago. In order to obtain the product, one has to travel almost two thousand meters deep into the cave.

It is the location in the cave that gives the honey its special charm. It also saturates the product with additional nutrients.

Author: Marina Michalap Internet resource editor