What are the 3 healthiest types of tea: not all gourmets know about this

13.06.2023 14:57

Many people know that tea is considered one of the most beneficial drinks for the body, as it can rid us of many diseases, prolong youth and increase life expectancy.

But it is worth considering the fact that tea varieties differ from each other not only in taste and cost, but also in chemical composition.

What types of tea are the most beneficial?


If you like unusual drinks, then you should pay attention to this option: it will simply change your idea of tea.

The drink variety has an extremely delicate taste and aroma, and practically does not color the water. However, the white variety retains a huge amount of nutrients and antioxidants.

Experts note that the drink will help rejuvenate the body. There are scientific studies that white tea is effective in combating pathogenic flora and can prevent the development of some types of cancer.

Photo: © Belnovosti


In its characteristics, this drink is similar to white tea, especially if you include traditional Japanese tea - matcha - in this list.

The drink promotes natural rejuvenation and reduces the risk of developing heart disease and cancer.


If you were looking for a tonic drink that can give you longevity and health, then the best option would be pu-erh. Perhaps the taste and smell of the drink may seem too specific at first glance, but the tea has a number of advantages.

However, it is worth remembering that pu-erh contains a large amount of caffeine, so it should be consumed with caution if you have insomnia.

Author: Marina Michalap Internet resource editor

  1. What types of tea are the most beneficial?
  2. White
  3. Green
  4. Puer