It is generally believed that a horse can live no more than thirty years, but this rule is not without exceptions.
Sometimes animals are able to live much longer than their allotted life span.
This horse lived more than two hundred years ago, but no one has managed to beat its record. The animal was able to live for as long as 62 years.
It is noteworthy that Old Billy worked long and hard: the horse was involved in moving barges. It is quite possible that this type of work had a positive effect on the animal's health and life expectancy.
This horse lived on a farm in excellent conditions: the owners tried to make the animal's workload normal so as not to harm its health.
As a result, the horse was able to live for 51 years. However, the horse fell ill, and the owners decided to euthanize it.
This horse was able to get into the pages of the Guinness Book of Records for the same indicator as the previous horse. However, this horse was tested during its life and was even saved by volunteers.
That is why many are surprised by the fact that the horse lived for 51 years without the proper conditions.