Dogs can be friendly and loyal.
However, there are people that most dogs don't like.
People who fall into the following types very quickly cause antipathy in our barking four-legged friends.
If a dog starts barking loudly at a person who is intoxicated, then there is nothing surprising about it.
Most dogs hate the strong smell of alcohol.
In addition, our barking four-legged friends are alarmed by the strange behavior of drunk people: screaming, unsteady gait, etc.
A dog perceives a person who is in a state of alcoholic intoxication as a source of potential danger.
Dogs are alarmed by any strong aroma (even if it is pleasant for humans).
This is something that all lovers of strong-smelling perfumes should take into account.
You should not use “strong” perfumes before interacting with your dog.
Dogs also don't like to be around people who are afraid of dogs.
The thing is that pets are frightened by the unusual behavior of a fearful person: awkward movements, a trembling voice, etc.
Dogs also immediately sense other effects of the stress hormone release. Dogs come to the following conclusion: “The situation has become dangerous for some reason. We need to be on guard.”