What Causes Cat Aggression While Eating? Owners, Take Action

30.01.2025 10:08

Pet owners who have several cats in the house, or a cat and a dog, notice some strange behavior in their pets.

It is not uncommon for a cat to start growling or showing aggression while eating.

Experts explained what this could be connected with and what measures need to be taken.

The cat may growl and hiss at other pets and even at humans. The problem is easily solved.

A cat growls at a person

If this is the case, then your pet is probably very hungry.

Photo: © Belnovosti

And if this happens often, it is worth reviewing the portion size or starting to feed the animal more often.

The cat may be afraid that for some reason it will have to go hungry again. This happens to animals that were taken in from the street.

The cat growls at the animals

There may be more reasons. The cat may be defending its territory, a portion of food, or simply dominating its relatives.

To prevent animals from fighting over food, you need to buy them separate bowls.

If this does not help, then feed your pets at different times or in different rooms.

If the animal's aggressive behavior cannot be explained, you should seek help from a veterinarian.

Perhaps the cause lies in a hidden disease, or the pet requires sterilization, castration or other intervention.

Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

  1. A cat growls at a person
  2. The cat growls at the animals