Probably almost every person who is a dog owner periodically pets their four-legged friend.
And it is possible that some people ask themselves questions like: "Do dogs like such affection? Maybe pets tolerate it when we pet them?"
We hasten to reassure such dog owners: barking animals respond positively to petting.
Moreover, it is very difficult for dogs without affection from humans.
However, you need to pet your dog correctly. It is easy to make mistakes during this process. Such mistakes by the owner will make the pet feel vulnerable.
The fact is that affection from a person is perceived by dogs as a manifestation of love, praise and affection from the owner.
If you start petting a dog, it will start producing oxytocin (the love hormone) and serotonin (the happiness hormone).
In addition, petting a dog calms it down.
In other words, pet your four-legged friend more often if you want to make him happier and healthier, and also improve your relationship with him.
Just make sure you do this correctly!
Dogs love having their belly rubbed, but only touch this area if the animal has revealed it to you.
You can stroke your pet on the back (except for the withers and the area near the tail) and on the sides.
Carefully stroke the dog's head. If the animal does not like such stroking, then stop.
But it’s better not to touch the dog’s paws and tail at all.