A long absence of the owner from home is a huge stress for a dog that is temporarily alone.
Both puppies and adult dogs worry.
Are you a busy person who has to stay late at work?
Or are you planning to go away for a few days, leaving your four-legged friend with friends?
Then help your pet to cope with temporary separation more easily!
You can achieve the desired result using... your old sweater.
Choose a wardrobe item that you are willing to give up in the future.
Wear this sweater for a few days, then put it on an unwanted pillow.
Sew up the holes or apply Velcro to make the pillow easy to remove for washing.
The end result will be a very interesting product: leave it for your dog.
It's no secret that our barking four-legged friends have an excellent sense of smell.
Dogs pay special attention to smells. If there is something next to the dog that “smells like the owner,” then the pet will be much easier to survive a temporary separation.
The animal will feel that the owner is “somewhere nearby,” although in fact he may be hundreds or even thousands of kilometers away from his four-legged friend.
A dog that constantly smells the scent of a person who is important to it does not experience much stress.