Top 5 Lucky Black Cat Breeds: Incredibly Beautiful

28.05.2024 09:51

Since ancient times, it was believed that a black cat brings only misfortune to people. The animal was endowed with mystical power, and superstitions spread throughout the world.

But there is a category of people who not only do not believe in omens, but are convinced that black cats, on the contrary, bring happiness and good luck to their owners.

Here are 5 luxurious black cat breeds that bring good luck to their owners and enchant with their beauty.

Bombay cat

These animals have exclusively black fur, without flaws. At the same time, they have unusually expressive eyes of copper, yellow or yellow-orange color.

Their black fur is shiny, smooth and thick. The pet resembles a small panther, but has a docile character and is generally a sociable creature.

Photo: © Belnovosti

American Shorthair

They have a fairly muscular body, short and dense fur, and a calm and balanced character.

The cat easily adapts to any conditions, is cheerful, communicates well with people. It is considered an excellent rodent exterminator.

Maine Coon

Maine Coons are considered record holders for the number of coat color variations, of which there are several dozen.

The black Maine Coon is as friendly, playful and devoted to its owner as any other color cat.

Norwegian Forest Cat

It is said that the ancestors of this breed caught mice on Viking ships. One can only imagine how severe the character of such a pet can be.

In reality, cats love water activities, physical activity, and children love kittens.

British Shorthair

They have a dense build and soft, thick fur. Their character is calm and balanced, which makes the cat an excellent companion.

They say that a cat of this breed gets along well with other pets, even if it is a dog.

Previously, we talked about whether it is possible to name dogs and cats with human names .

Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

  1. Bombay cat
  2. American Shorthair
  3. Maine Coon
  4. Norwegian Forest Cat
  5. British Shorthair

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