In most cases, people treat their pets with love and tenderness, so they practically forget about the need for training.
As a result, the cat gets used to the "happy life" and begins to behave in a less than ideal manner.
It's not just people who can be spoiled: animals can also sit on your neck.
If an animal considers itself the most important and significant member of the family, it will demand attention at the moment when it wants it.
Even if it is not very convenient for you to spend time with your pet at this moment, this will be the last thing that worries him.
When strangers appear at home, the cat can easily sense competitors in them. In this case, the pet will begin to impose itself on you, demanding affection.
In this case, it will be difficult to spend time with your guests, experts note.
If you notice that your cat loves to sleep on your robe or towel right after washing and drying, it means that she is trying to leave her scent.
Therefore, it is worth noting this behavior and drawing conclusions.
If your cat can be safely classified as a gourmet, then you are the only one to blame. The owner tries to buy the highest quality food, expensive vitamins and tasty treats for the pet.
After such treatment, a spoiled cat won't even look at "regular" food.
If a dog is seen behaving in this way, it won't be difficult to chase it away: the dog will run away on its own when it sees its owner. But the cat will still remain on the bed, because it thinks it is more important than you.
Earlier we talked about why the cat stopped using the litter box .