What aquarium owners need to take care of before leaving: your absence will not affect the fish

07.04.2024 10:31

Many people hesitate to buy an aquarium for fish because they are afraid to leave these pets alone during a business trip or vacation.

You can put all fears aside: if you take care of the correct preparation, your absence will not affect the inhabitants of the aquarium in any way.


The day before you leave, change the water in your aquarium. This will reduce the amount of nitrates in the water, which can be dangerous to fish in large quantities.

Fish can survive without water changes for a week or two.


If you plan to be away for more than 3-4 weeks, clean and rinse the filters and wash the mechanical cleaning sponge before your vacation. This will help improve the performance of the filtration system and keep the water clean.

Photo: © Belnovosti


Siphon the soil a week before your vacation. Do the cleaning in stages – the result will be much better.


Fish can easily tolerate fasting for 2-3 weeks. A couple of days before departure, switch them to light food and reduce the portions.

Install an automatic feeder to avoid unnecessary stress on the fish. Feed small amounts of food, as uneaten food can quickly pollute the water.

Light and temperature

To ensure that the lights turn on and off on time, buy a lighting timer. If the fish are used to living at a lower temperature, leave it the same, otherwise you can lower the water temperature by a couple of degrees to slow down the biological processes.

Previously, we talked about how to properly store dry dog food .

Author: Elena Shimanovskaya Internet resource editor

  1. Water
  2. Filters
  3. Priming
  4. Feeding
  5. Light and temperature