How to Make a Cat Happy: 5 Key Factors Every Owner Should Know

04.06.2023 06:50

Animals, like people, can be happy or unhappy. Only a person can create conditions where he will be happy.

But a cat that lives its entire life in a closed apartment space cannot do this. But it will try, which will lead to problems in a person's life. For example, if a cat is not given enough physical exercise, it begins to entertain itself.

Hence the overturned pots, peeling wallpaper and broken vases. People blame the pet's bad character for this, but in fact the fault lies entirely with the owner. After all, it was the person who placed the animal in unnatural conditions for it, deciding that the cat would be happy this way. But this is not so.

If a person brings an animal into his world, he must take care that it is happy in this world. How to do this?

Accept the fact that a cat is an animal with certain needs and "outlook on life". And first of all, you should pay attention to the 5 factors of a happy life that every owner should know about.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Factor one: health

There is illness - there is no happiness. This rule applies to everyone. But in the case of a sick cat, the situation is aggravated by the fact that the owner does not understand the reason. For example, the cat makes puddles all over the house, for which it is punished. But the reason is not a bad character, but a disease of the genitourinary system.

Factor two: nutrition

Is your cat fiddling and chewing on flowers? No, it's not trying to get back at you. It's most likely lacking vitamins and microelements from its food. Dull fur? An unbalanced diet is likely to blame. Constant health problems? You may be feeding your cat human food.

To make sure that not only the pet but also the owner is happy, you need to monitor the nutrition of your four-legged friend.

Factor three: safety

In the natural environment, cats are not only predators, but also victims. Therefore, they must feel safe. The animal does not understand that nothing threatens it in the apartment. Yes, a pet that has never been outside is usually calmer and more relaxed. But the instincts inherent in nature are present in even the most infantile cat. Instinct makes it look for a safe (from its point of view) place to sleep and rest. And the owner's task is to provide the pet with such a place. You do not choose where the cat sleeps. It chooses itself. And you put a bed, a soft pillow, or do not change anything at all in this place. It is much more comfortable for a cat to sleep on a hard table, which it considers suitable, than on the most expensive soft bed that a person put in a "dangerous" place.

Factor four: trust

This factor follows from the previous one. The owner must be a stronghold of security. Then the cat will trust him. And trust and security are the key to happiness of any living creature.

You can't trust a person who punishes without reason, acts unfairly, creates discomfort. For example, many owners like to dress up their pets. For the animal, this is a strong discomfort, so it begins to fear the owner, knowing that he can cause inconvenience at any moment.

The same applies to strangers when they “attack” the cat, and the owner not only does not protect it, but also catches the pet himself in order to give it “to be torn apart” by strangers.

For a person this is a small thing, but for a cat it is extremely stressful.

Factor Five: Games

A cat needs physical and intellectual exercise. Therefore, play with your pet daily, introduce elements of training so that the animal's brain works. You took a cat so that it would become a member of your family. And family members need attention, time and effort.

Author: Sergey Tumanov Internet resource editor

  1. Factor one: health
  2. Factor two: nutrition
  3. Factor three: safety
  4. Factor four: trust
  5. Factor Five: Games