How Not to Play with a Dog: Mistakes More Than 60% of Owners Might Make

08.04.2023 01:00
Updated: 15.04.2023 03:58

Many owners love to play with their dogs, because it is not only entertainment, but also a way to teach the pet useful skills, establish friendly relations or instill good manners.

However, dog experts note that not every game is useful. In some cases, they lead to the opposite result.

For example, the animal's character deteriorates or it learns to manipulate the owner. Specific mistakes can be analyzed using several popular dog games.


In the process, the dog acquires a lot of useful skills. But in this game, the animal can impose its own rules on the owner. For example, it does not give up the toy, snatches it from the hands. In addition, all this can be accompanied by barking or whining.

As soon as your pet starts to exhibit disgusting behavior, you need to stop playing, otherwise it will become the norm later.

Photo: © Belnovosti

During the game "Fetch", the animal must clearly understand that the owner determines the moment of the throw.


It is better to use special ropes for the game. If you use an old T-shirt or slippers for this purpose, the animal will subsequently mistake new things for toys.

In addition, it is a mistake when there is rivalry between the owner and the animal, even a humorous one. If the dog tears the rope out of his hands at this moment, then later he will begin to feel superior, and problems with discipline will arise.


A mistake when the owner catches up. In such situations, the dog can get lost and get lost. The owner should run away, and the dog should catch up. You can complicate the task, for example, hide behind trees or run up to higher ground.

Author: Dmitry Bobrovich Internet resource editor

  1. "Fetch"
  2. "Tightening"
  3. "Catch-up"