A cat is a mysterious creature. It is endowed with magical powers, because the animal is especially sensitive to negative energy.
She can “treat” her owner by lying down on his problematic area of the body.
The behavior of your pets will help you figure this out.
If a cat stares at one point in space, it is likely that it is “scanning” a parallel world and has seen some kind of threat.
When an animal hisses at its owner when he comes home, it may be carrying negative vibes. The solution is to take a bath, wash or fumigate the person's clothes with a candle flame.
It is also possible that the owner could have brought a gift with negative information, accepted from hidden ill-wishers.
If your pet has become lethargic for no reason and rejects treats, this may be a reaction to negativity.
In some cases, a cat may leave the house. It is believed that it takes on the energy blow intended for the owner and takes away negative fluids. Or the animal cannot cope with the entity that has settled in the house. Here, space cleaning is needed.
According to bioenergetics experts, cats clearly identify ill-wishers who have come into the house.
She will stare at the guest, and then may start hiding from him, hissing and wagging her tail. This often indicates bad intentions of the visitor.