Many cat owners who sometimes engage in a simple monologue with their pets hear “meow” in response.
Some people don't pay attention to this, believing that the animal is simply meowing and there is no hidden meaning in it. Others are sure that the fluffy one is answering something, but in its own language.
A cat that has lived with its owners for a long time remembers certain phrases if they are said often. The animal can also distinguish the intonation with which a person speaks.
It is believed that by responding with meowing, the cat is trying to convey its experiences that are worrying it at a particular moment. Of course, they are most likely not related to what the owner says. The pet is just trying to maintain contact at a level accessible to it.
There is also an opinion that the animal is being cunning. The cat remembered that a person once responded positively to meowing, so it again uses a proven trick in the hope of bonuses in the form of food or affection.
The most popular and generally accepted explanation for responsive meowing is that the animal is trying to solve some of its needs. It cannot solve them on its own, so it turns to someone who can.