You need to be able to react to being ignored, and the best method for this is to hit the enemy with his own weapon.
They say it works without fail. But what to do if the technique doesn't work and the person's behavior doesn't change? Let's try to figure this out too.
Experts recommend starting to ignore your opponent.
In theory, he should wonder why you're not bothered by his lack of attention.
Continue to live your life to the fullest, but ignoring someone in return should not come across as revenge or hostility.
As a result, the person who does not notice you should feel uncomfortable and want to return your attention.
At the same time, you will maintain your self-esteem and will not allow your feelings to be manipulated.
At the same time, you will maintain control over the situation and increase your self-esteem.
1. First, focus on yourself, your interests and hobbies.
2. Don't try to explain a person's behavior and find the reason for his hostile behavior in yourself. Often the reason is hidden in him.
3. Therefore, do not even think about making excuses, asking for forgiveness or looking for ways to reconcile.
4. Try to discuss the situation if ignoring becomes systematic.
5. If the conversation didn’t lead to anything, then just forget about what happened, as well as the relationship itself.
For reference
Ignoring (from the Latin ignorare - literally not to know) is a deliberate disregard for someone or something.