Scientists have discovered a new type of human memory: almost like deja vu

19.12.2024 17:51

For a long time, scientists tried to find an explanation for the phenomenon of deja vu. But having solved this mystery, researchers came to the conclusion that there were even more questions.

Thus, employees of the Florida Institute of Technology, studying episodic memory, found out that there are many more types of memory.

The results of the work were published by the scientific publication iScience.

Memory of the Heart

The new type of human memory is called the memory of the heart or mind.

Studying episodic memory, scientists came to the conclusion that it works according to special laws.

Photo: © Belnovosti

This usually happens in two stages: first, a person remembers a certain event, and then specific details “emerge,” which is called “recognition.”

It was the second stage that interested scientists.

It turned out that it consists of two different processes and is considered more complex.

During the experiment, it was possible to find out that at this stage a person first “learns the details” and then “learns the context”.

At the stage when the human brain learns the “details” of an event, it still does not remember anything about the context.

The same thing happens at the "context recognition" stage. There are no details there either.

Unlike deja vu, this type of memory excludes error and is based on real events.

Scientists are confident that their discovery will help solve memory problems in older people.

It is believed that their disorders develop precisely from problems in episodic memory.

By unraveling these processes, experts will be able to begin treating them.

Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor