Any refusal to act in favor of words or thoughts is called procrastination among the masses.
Few people know that this phenomenon is quite extensive and deserves attention. And anyone can be a procrastinator, but not everyone realizes it.
It turns out that there are six types of procrastination, and to begin to combat the problem, you first need to acknowledge it.
This type is typical of people who do not take action until everything is organized perfectly.
They can wait, accumulate experience, knowledge, anything - just to be sure that one day they will be able to achieve the goal.
They plunge into a dream world in search of variety among their boring duties, they think a lot, but do little.
Often these are creative individuals, but they are content to enjoy the project they have come up with rather than implement it.
These people simply put things off until later. They are afraid of failure, criticism and any negative reaction from others.
These are not failures due to circumstances, but rather people who create the conditions for failure.
The reason for this is the habit of putting off important matters until the last minute.
It's simple: try to give such a person what needs to be done to cope with the task faster and easier, and you will learn a lot of interesting things about yourself.
This type of personality was often ridiculed by Soviet satirists, who depicted characters who took on excessive obligations.
But in fact, they simply cannot prioritize, say “no,” or try to please management.
Having determined the cause of your failures, you can begin a successful fight. But do not exaggerate your capabilities and self-medicate.