Don't do that. Which clearly indicates a person's low intelligence.

28.01.2025 13:44

Often many people confuse the concepts of “intelligence” and “erudition”.

Therefore, you can meet erudite but unintellectual people.

And on the contrary, there are uneducated intellectuals.

Simply put, a citizen can be educated (erudite), well-read, but behave badly, demonstrating a low level of intelligence.

Want to recognize the representatives of the latter category in the blink of an eye? Then do not do the following things yourself.

Photo: Pixabay

Here are some signs that clearly indicate a person with low intelligence.

This citizen does not pay attention to others and ignores his interlocutor during a conversation.

He constantly discusses someone behind their back, loves to gossip and make secret jokes.

He really wants to be the center of attention, but at the same time he doesn’t care about the opinions of others.

People with low intelligence have no desire to develop at all, sometimes they don’t have specific goals, and live for the day.

Such citizens are happy to criticize others, usually without convincing arguments, and this speaks of their lack of self-confidence.

They always put material values first, which are more important to them than even human relationships.

Author: Pavel Gospodarik Internet resource editor