Can You Trust the Words of a Drunk Person: What Science Says

30.01.2025 12:51

It is not customary in society to believe the words of drunk people, at the same time there is a claim that when drunk people become more honest.

American scientists decided to test the saying of ancient sages that truth is in wine, and came to the following conclusion.

What does alcohol do to the brain

1. Alcohol reduces the activity of certain areas of the brain, including the hippocampus, which causes memory lapses while a person is drunk.

2. At the same time, alcohol stimulates the release of endorphins and dopamine, which causes mild euphoria in a person.

3. At the same time, a sedative effect occurs, reducing the feeling of anxiety and the ability to adequately assess the situation.

Photo: © Belnovosti

4. In addition, changes occur in other areas of the brain that are responsible for self-control, behavioral assessment, and other cognitive functions.

As a result, a person is drawn to talk, he becomes relaxed, and, scientifically speaking, the effect of “hidden behavior” arises.

That is, a drunk person behaves in a way and does something that he considers unacceptable in a normal situation.

Alcohol and truth

But it is impossible to draw conclusions and claim that drunk people become honest and open.

Alcohol merely lowers the bar of responsibility and does not protect against ill-considered statements.

Therefore, drunken revelations do not always correspond to true convictions.

You can listen to what your drunk interlocutor says, but you shouldn’t take what you hear as the truth.

Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

  1. What does alcohol do to the brain
  2. Alcohol and truth