Some women deliberately avoid wearing brightly colored clothes, while others cannot imagine life without them.
Scientists rushed to sort this out and discovered a stable connection between the color of clothing and a woman’s intelligence.
It turned out that bright and saturated colors are preferred by women who did not show the highest scores in IQ tests.
Women were offered clothes of different colors to choose from. They had to choose from what they liked best.
Next, it was necessary to pass tests to determine intellectual abilities, solve problems on logical thinking, check memory and analytical abilities.
Bright and saturated colours were chosen by women who showed low results in the tests.
Ladies in dresses of subdued and discreet shades demonstrated high results.
Presumably, ladies with a high IQ know and observe the norms and rules of conduct, consider themselves professionals and therefore try to behave with restraint.
Their research opponents in bright dresses are the least concerned about this issue, and they are also considered more expressive.
But scientists caution that their findings merely reflect a statistical trend.
Due to a number of factors and exceptions, further research is required.