Is it possible to return to an old job: prejudice or a cross on a career

17.06.2024 16:26

Many different signs and superstitions surround modern man. Moreover, some of them are born in our time.

For example, it is believed that you cannot return to your old job. This is clearly something new, and not a mystical reminder of past years.

Let's find out what bad things can happen if an employee decides to return to where he once left.

Firstly, I feel awkward in front of my colleagues

If you leave gracefully, to a higher position and arrange a ceremonial “farewell” with gifts, then there will certainly be those who will look askance upon your return.

But that’s not the worst of it, because for everyone, returning “from there” will be an admission of your own weakness.

Photo: Pixabay

Second, think about leadership.

It is possible that you will be met and welcomed as a professional in your field. But it is possible that at the same time you will be given an absentee and non-public spanking.

Besides, going to competitors and then returning – who would want to be a stranger among their own?

Thirdly, only business

Be prepared for the fact that your developments, client base, or other merits will be partially stolen by your own colleagues.

Even excellent relationships and loyalty of management will not save you from this.

Previously, we talked about how to stop forgetting important things .

Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

  1. Firstly, I feel awkward in front of my colleagues
  2. Second, think about leadership.
  3. Thirdly, only business

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