Why the True Crime Genre Has So Many Fans: 4 Reasons Why Serial Killer Documentaries Are Popular

03.06.2024 18:49

True crime is a genre of non-fiction books, podcasts, and films in which the author examines crime and tells stories about the people involved in criminal events.

The author shares facts, makes assumptions about what happened and analyzes the motives of the criminals.

From a psychological perspective, there are several key reasons why people watch or read true crime.

Interest in storytelling

People are captivated by exciting stories, and true crime is no exception. Interest is generated by subcortical neural processes and is connected to the system of needs and emotions.

Curiosity and information seeking

People have always been interested in unusual and mysterious events because they are a source of new information and positive emotions. True Crime offers to learn more about crimes and their investigations, solve mysteries and expand your knowledge.

Photo: © Belnovosti

The need to feel in control

Studying and analyzing crimes and their investigations helps people feel in control of the world, even if they cannot directly influence events. It gives a sense of confidence and security, creating the illusion that threats can be avoided in real life.

Passion for psychology

Many fans of true crime are interested in psychology; they are interested in understanding the reasons and motives for a person to commit a crime, and what events in his life influenced his actions.

Earlier we wrote that a person ’s handwriting can tell you something about him.

Author: Elena Shimanovskaya Editor of Internet resources

  1. Interest in storytelling
  2. Curiosity and information seeking
  3. The need to feel in control
  4. Passion for psychology