How to Learn to Read Other People's Minds: Just Look into the Eyes of the Other Person

10.05.2024 20:29

Scientists also agree to some extent that the eyes are the mirror of the soul. The fact is that by looking into a person's eyes, you can understand the course of his thoughts.

If you master some secrets, you can control yourself and your vis-à-vis. After all, all this is achievable by tracking eye movements.

Dilated pupils

This is an example of clear uncertainty in decision making.

According to research cited by BBC Future, when a person lacks determination, they are in a state of emotional arousal.

This causes the pupils to dilate.

Photo: Pixabay

Eye movements

Researchers at the University of Zurich asked volunteers to read aloud a list of numbers.

At the same time, they monitored eye movements during this time.

By observing the direction of eye movement and the rotation of the pupils, the researchers guessed the number that the subjects were about to say.

It turned out that before saying a larger number, the participant's gaze was directed upward and to the right.

If a person looked down and to the left, then he was preparing to name a smaller number.

Eye movements and memories

Swedish scientists have discovered that certain eye movements help to extract the necessary information from memory.

During the experiment, it was possible to find out that spontaneous eye movement indicated more significant results than if a person looked intently at one point.

According to scientists, eye movements occur subconsciously when a person finds himself in a similar situation.

The gaze is directed to information that a person once saw, even if he no longer remembers where and when it was.

Earlier we talked about what time of day is best to prepare for an exam .

Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

  1. Dilated pupils
  2. Eye movements
  3. Eye movements and memories

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