What You Need to Praise Yourself For Every Day: 3 Things - Life Will Become Easier

04.04.2024 11:43

Many people have a very hard time living because they don't know how to praise themselves.

But it is important to learn to notice your own successes.

Even the most insignificant and mundane achievements should not be ignored.

A person who has learned to praise himself for every “little thing” will probably become happy.

The point is that he will begin to pay attention to the many positive moments in life and will stop taking failures to heart.

Photo: Pixabay

Such a person will much less often say phrases like: “Why am I so unlucky?”, “I’m a loser”, “Nothing works out for me”, “I’m worse than others”.

So, what exactly are the things you should praise yourself for every day?

For performing daily chores

People rarely praise themselves for cleaning their apartment, washing dishes, or doing laundry.

But without doing these things, the house would be completely uncomfortable.

You should also celebrate the following daily achievements: “I forced myself to get up in the morning,” “I completed work that I had been putting off for a long time,” “I completed all my assignments on time.”

Don't ignore all these points. After all, to achieve each goal, you had to show willpower.

For gaining new knowledge

Every person constantly receives new information. And sometimes acquires important skills.

Pay attention to these achievements. Imagine how your life would be without these knowledge and skills.

For conversations conducted correctly

People usually remember unsuccessful conversations.

“I shouldn’t have made claims to him then…”, “I should have spoken more calmly…”, “I should have spoken more confidently…”, “I should have told him like this…”

Stop "replaying" these conversations in your head. Instead, pay attention to the conversations that were conducted correctly: "This phrase was appropriate", "I was convincing", "I found the right words".

We previously explained why people sometimes need to say no.

Author: Kurchev Anton Deputy Editor-in-Chief

  1. For performing daily chores
  2. For gaining new knowledge
  3. For conversations conducted correctly