Drivers are well aware of this curious feature; sneezing while driving causes them a lot of inconvenience because their eyes close.
It is believed that no one has ever managed to sneeze with their eyes open. Let's try to figure out what happens at this moment.
Naturally, scientists also paid attention to this curious feature of the human body.
This is a protective reaction that allows you to get rid of foreign particles in the nose. No wonder, because at this time, a person expels air and other contents of the nasopharynx at a speed of up to 160 km / h.
The “sneeze” itself occurs after the nerve endings sense the appearance of foreign objects.
A signal is sent to the brain, and various muscles in the body begin to contract, resulting in the eyes closing.
Researchers at the Texas A&M College of Medicine, explaining the nature of this phenomenon, came to the conclusion that the eyes close automatically.
This is necessary to ensure that nothing extra gets into them.
However, it is definitely not because sneezing can cause your eyeballs to fly out of their sockets.
The most that can happen when sneezing is to burst a capillary, researchers reassure.
Earlier we talked about how to understand that your interlocutor doesn’t like you.