10 Signs: How to Understand That Someone is Lying to You

28.02.2024 18:04

A person can lie for various reasons.

Sometimes someone chooses to lie in order not to hurt the feelings of a loved one or to hide an awkward situation.

But it is worth remembering that any lie creates a barrier in communication.

If you suspect that a person is lying to you, you should pay attention to the signs that may indicate deception.

How to understand that a person is lying

Most often, the interlocutor may try to avoid additional questions, clarifications, or simply refuse to continue the dialogue.

Photo: Pixabay

Signs may also include the fact that a person suddenly forgets something, notes in a conversation that he does not remember or does not know something. But here the context should be taken into account. In some situations, such "amnesia" is unacceptable.

In addition, if a person starts to lie, he or she may change their voice, body position, frequently touch their face and other parts of the body, and also establish unnatural eye contact or stop looking into the eyes.

It is worth noting that in some cases you may notice that the liar makes inconsistent statements, pauses too long when communicating, or uses resonant verbal and non-verbal cues.

In the latter case, controlling your body is much more difficult than controlling your speech.

For example, he may show a sad face, but at the same time say that he is happy.

It should be added that sometimes a person who does not want to answer a question and is trying to avoid giving an honest answer may repeat the question in order to gain time to think, and may also go on the attack and ask counter questions.

Earlier we talked about how to avoid being manipulated.

Author: Olga Kotova Internet resource editor