You must admit that sometimes it’s damn hard to concentrate on a conversation when the people around you are constantly distracted by their phones.
Imagine that you are gathered with friends in a cafe and are emotionally telling some story, and the rest, instead of listening, are engrossed in their phones.
Because of the sounds of notifications or calls, you are forced to interrupt your story and eventually it no longer seems so interesting.
Try a simple experiment: pick up your phone and see that others have done the same thing – even if they had no particular reason to do so.
If you are tired of people around you constantly being distracted by their phones during conversations, we suggest you play the game Phone Stack.
The idea belongs to New York resident Brian Perez and is as follows.
In this game, all participants put their phones in a common pile and try not to touch them during the entire conversation.
The first person to pick up their phone pays the total bill for all participants.
If everyone can restrain themselves and the phones remain in their designated place until the end of the evening, the bill is divided equally or paid as is usually customary in the company.
Previously, we talked about how to improve your communication skills .