December is a month of mysterious traditions, magic and secrets.
Therefore, it is worth remembering the 7 folk signs and superstitions that surround this unique period, give it a special charm and help attract good luck in the last month of the year.
The full moon in December is considered a special time when magic becomes especially strong.
It is believed that during the full moon one should not look in the mirror or conduct financial transactions.
The first snow in December is considered a magical amulet. It is believed that if you write your wish on the snow, it will definitely come true.
According to folk beliefs, the gifts you find under the tree can be a harbinger of your relationship next year.
It is also worth carefully choosing gifts for your loved ones during this period, because they are of key importance.
There is an opinion that shooting stars in December have special energy.
If you happen to see a shooting star on the street, you should definitely make a wish: most likely, it will come true.
It is believed that holidays that pass without quarrels and conflicts promise harmony and happiness in family life in the coming year.
It is believed that candles on the New Year's table not only add warmth and comfort to the atmosphere, but also symbolize the light and joy that will accompany you in the coming year.
It is believed that the color of Christmas balls influences your destiny in the coming year.
Red is a symbol of love, green is a sign of wealth, and blue is a harbinger of peace.