What 2 actions of a person disappoint: the opinion of experts

23.10.2023 14:30

Friendly, acquaintance, love and even business relationships are built on mutual respect and sympathy.

It's not that hard to win someone's favor, especially if you're purposefully trying and trying to appear better.

But it is unlikely that you will be able to hide your “true nature” for long: sometimes a careless phrase or a rash act will be enough to rip off the mask.

In such a case, disappointment is inevitable, experts note.

What are the 2 things you can do that are the most disappointing?


Even if you consider yourself an unrivaled manipulator and deceiver, one day your game and dishonesty will be revealed. No one wants to feel deceived.

Photo: Pixabay

Therefore, lying is considered a very painful offense, experts believe. It is extremely difficult to renew a relationship or restore a reputation after such an offense.

Selfishness and heartlessness

In most cases, people try to be kind, sympathetic and understanding. Therefore, selfishness and heartlessness on the part of others causes rejection and misunderstanding.

In any case, there is no point in pretending. It is better to try to honestly recognize your negative traits and start fighting them.

Author: Marina Michalap Internet resource editor

  1. What are the 2 things you can do that are the most disappointing?
  2. Lie
  3. Selfishness and heartlessness

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