Why do pimples often appear on the face before an important meeting: signs have nothing to do with it

26.07.2023 22:00

Many people notice one negative feature: before any important meeting, pimples may appear on the face.

People of all ages face this unpleasant situation.

It doesn't matter what kind of meeting is scheduled. Some people notice the appearance of rashes before a planned date with a person they really like.

Others face the problem when interviewing for their dream job. Also, pimples can "decorate" the face before important negotiations.

Why does this happen?

Experts note that our nervous system is to blame. A person begins to worry. Because of this, there is an excessive secretion of sebum.

Photo: Pixabay

Since a person does not have the opportunity to quickly treat the face, we get acne.

For this reason, it is extremely important to keep yourself in check. You can feel nervous, but be careful not to get too nervous.

By the way, not only acne can appear due to excessive stress. In such an unpleasant emotional state, a person behaves worse than in the "usual" mode.

Author: Marina Michalap Internet resource editor