Where you shouldn't keep money in the house: it's important for all owners to know so as not to live in poverty

04.07.2023 06:50

It is important to know how to properly store money in the house so that it works for our benefit and does not cause harm.

Why is it important to store money in the house correctly?

Money is not just pieces of paper or metal, but symbols of wealth and abundance. It has its own energy, which can be positive or negative depending on how we treat it and where we keep it.

If we keep money in the right place, it attracts more money, success and luck to us.

If we keep money in the wrong place, it loses its power, leaves us or leads to problems and losses.

Therefore, it is important to know how to properly store money in the house so that it works for our benefit and does not cause harm. To do this, you need to take into account several factors.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Cleanliness and order. Money loves cleanliness and order, so it should be stored in clean and tidy places, without dust, dirt and disorder. It is also necessary to regularly change or throw away old and torn bills or coins, as they reflect our attitude to money and our financial condition.

Security and privacy. Money loves security and privacy, so it should be kept in closed and secure places, without access by strangers or animals. You should also avoid bragging about your money or telling anyone about it, as this can attract envy, the evil eye or theft.

Symbolism and energy. Money loves symbolism and energy, so it should be stored in places that correspond to its nature and purpose.

For example, you can keep money in red or gold envelopes or wallets, which symbolize wealth and abundance. You can also keep money in places that have good energy, such as a safe, a box, a book, or a piggy bank.

Where you shouldn't keep money in the house

If you want to save and increase your money, you need to know where you shouldn't keep money in the house. There are places that have bad energy or symbolism that pushes money away or leads to its loss. Here are some of them.

In the bathroom or toilet

These are places that are associated with pollution, excretion, and disposal. If you keep money in the bathroom or toilet, you are symbolically flushing it down the drain or throwing it in the trash. These places also have high humidity, which can damage the money or cause it to rot or mold.

In the kitchen or in the refrigerator

These are places that are associated with food, nutrition and spending.

If you keep money in the kitchen or refrigerator, you are symbolically spending it on food or freezing its potential. Also, these places have high temperatures, which can damage the money or cause oxidation or corrosion.

In the bedroom or under the pillow

These are places that are associated with sleep, rest and relaxation.

If you keep money in your bedroom or under your pillow, you are symbolically putting it to sleep or disconnecting it from reality. These places also have low activity, which can affect your activity and motivation to earn money.

In the wardrobe or under clothes

These are places that are associated with clothing, image and appearance.

If you keep money in your closet or under your clothes, you are symbolically hiding it or covering yourself with it. These places also have low air circulation, which can cause odor or dust on the money.


Money is not only a means of exchange, but also energy that affects our well-being and destiny. Therefore, it is important to know how to properly store money in the house so that it brings happiness and prosperity, and not poverty and misfortune.

To do this, you need to consider cleanliness and order, safety and privacy, symbolism and energy of the place where you store money. You also need to know where you shouldn't store money in the house to avoid losses or problems.

Author: Sergey Tumanov Internet resource editor

  1. Why is it important to store money in the house correctly?
  2. Where you shouldn't keep money in the house
  3. In the bathroom or toilet
  4. In the kitchen or in the refrigerator
  5. In the bedroom or under the pillow
  6. In the wardrobe or under clothes
  7. Conclusion