Why You Shouldn't Buy a Red Wallet: A Myth That Leads to Lack of Money

04.06.2023 05:50

The most common myth is that a red wallet attracts money. And many people buy red wallets in the hope that their financial situation will improve.

But the miracle doesn't happen. And there's a good reason for that: the red wallet "burns" the money.

What does red color represent?

Each color carries a certain energy and has a special effect on people. Moreover, the influence depends even on the shade of a particular color. There are many studies on this topic, more than one book has been written.

Red symbolizes strength, power, belligerence. It declares itself, attracts attention, "screams" to be noticed. This color was considered the symbol of the god of war Mars, executioners wore red cloaks, cardinals wore red robes. Women wear red to stand out, to attract attention, because no other color is so striking.

There were even marketing studies where participants in the experiment were asked to choose a product. And most chose the one with red on the packaging.

Photo: © Belnovosti

What is money

Money is a material embodiment of energy. It was invented by people to simplify exchange.

Energy can be bright, explosive, literally gushing. But with such pressure it quickly dries up. But if it flows smoothly, evenly, then the flow does not stop, but only gains strength. Approximately the same way as a river gains strength, which begins with a tiny spring.

A red wallet can attract a "fountain" of money, but this fountain will quickly dry up.

Red does not tolerate peace, regularity, accumulation. It wants to shine, so money that comes quickly, goes away just as quickly. A red wallet attracts and then "burns" money, because it is not for nothing that this color is called fiery. And in Chinese philosophy it belongs to the element of fire.

Which wallet to choose

Any calm colors, including black, are suitable for a wallet. Feng Shui experts advise choosing a green or blue wallet, as they are best suited for increasing capital.

But the material is much more important. Money does not like artificial materials. A leather wallet is considered the best. There is no need to look for expensive models made of some special leather, the main thing is that it is natural. A product made of pig or cow leather will do.

Author: Sergey Tumanov Internet resource editor

  1. What does red color represent?
  2. What is money
  3. Which wallet to choose