5 boring but effective tips from a psychologist on how to increase self-esteem

17.05.2023 19:17

Self-esteem is an assessment of one’s own personality, one’s abilities, strengths and weaknesses.

It influences our behavior, our emotions, our relationships with other people.

Self-esteem can be high or low, realistic or distorted.

High self-esteem helps a person feel confident, value themselves and their achievements, cope with difficulties and strive for development. Low self-esteem leads to insecurity, self-criticism, fear of failure, dependence on other people's opinions and dissatisfaction with oneself, says psychologist Stanislav Sambursky .

How to increase self-esteem and self-confidence

There are many ways that can help with this. Here are some of them.

Photo: Pixabay

1. Stop comparing yourself to others.

Every person is unique and has their own strengths and weaknesses. Comparing yourself to others can make you forget about your strengths and focus on your weaknesses.

This can undermine your self-esteem and cause feelings of envy, resentment or inferiority. It is better to compare yourself only with yourself: note your progress, your successes, your development.

2. Recognize and appreciate your achievements.

Many people tend to downplay or ignore their achievements, considering them insignificant or accidental. This can lead to you not seeing your potential and not being happy with your results.

Learn to recognize and appreciate your accomplishments, both big and small. Congratulate yourself for doing well, for overcoming a challenge, for learning something new.

Write down your achievements in a diary or keep a list of your successes. This will help you see your progress and increase your self-esteem.

3. Accept compliments.

Most people are either unable or embarrassed to accept compliments. This may be due to the fact that they do not believe in their own worth or are afraid of appearing smug.

However, by refusing compliments, you can offend the person giving them and give your self-esteem another kick. It’s better to learn to accept compliments with gratitude and a smile. Just say “Thank you!” or “That’s so sweet of you!” This will help you believe in yourself and strengthen your relationships with other people.

4. Work on your weaknesses.

Nobody is perfect, and everyone has their weaknesses. They should not be a reason for self-deprecation or despair. Use them as an opportunity for self-improvement and development.

Don't be afraid to admit your mistakes, shortcomings, or gaps in knowledge. Don't be ashamed to ask for help, advice, or feedback.

Don't avoid difficult or unpleasant situations that may expose your weaknesses. Set realistic and specific goals to work on your weaknesses and turn them into strengths.

5. Treat yourself with kindness and care.

To increase your self-esteem, you need to love and respect yourself for who you are. This does not mean being selfish or ignoring your flaws. It means treating yourself with kindness and care, just as you treat your loved ones or friends.

Pay attention to your needs and desires, take care of your health and well-being, do what brings you joy and pleasure.

Don't criticize yourself for little things, don't punish yourself for mistakes, don't sacrifice yourself for others. Be friendly and patient with yourself, forgive yourself for your shortcomings and appreciate your strengths.

Self-esteem is not a fixed value that is set once and never changes, it is a process that requires constant work and attention.

Increasing self-esteem is not a task that can be accomplished overnight, but requires time, effort, and patience. But it is worth it because realistic self-esteem is the key to a happy and successful life.

Author: Belnovosti Editing of the Internet portal

  1. How to increase self-esteem and self-confidence
  2. 1. Stop comparing yourself to others.
  3. 2. Recognize and appreciate your achievements.
  4. 3. Accept compliments.
  5. 4. Work on your weaknesses.
  6. 5. Treat yourself with kindness and care.