Why did singer Charlotte "die" 3 times? Psychological analysis

16.05.2023 20:49

Fame addiction is a psychological disorder characterized by an excessive need for attention, approval, and admiration from others.

Such people cannot live without constant confirmation of their importance and uniqueness.

People who "caught a star" are ready to do anything to attract attention. They are not afraid of scandals, provocations and lies, do not respect their loved ones and fans. They live in the illusion of their greatness and do not notice reality.

One of the most striking examples of such dependence is the singer Charlotte, who announced his death several times in order to attract attention to himself.

The first time he did this was in 2018, when he posted a photo on his social media page with the inscription RIP and his date of birth and death. After that, he disappeared from social media for a few days, and then reappeared with the explanation that it was a joke.

Photo: Pixabay

He repeated his stunt a second time in 2020, when he posted a video on his YouTube channel with the title "I Died." This time, he claimed he died in a car accident, but it later turned out to be part of his new music video.

He tricked his fans for the third time in 2021, when he posted a video on his TikTok account with the caption "Goodbye" and a sad emoji. He disappeared from social media again for a while, then returned with an apology and an explanation that it was a promotion for his new album.

Why is Charlotte acting so irresponsibly and cynically?

Psychologist Stanislav Sambursky claims that the singer suffers from narcissistic personality disorder, which manifests itself in excessive self-love, inflated self-esteem, and an inability to empathize and take responsibility.

Such people constantly need adrenaline and drama. They cannot stand boring and ordinary life. They want to be the center of attention and evoke emotions in others. They do not care about the consequences of their actions for themselves and for others. They live for instant pleasure and do not think about the future.

How to get rid of such an addiction

This is possible only if there is awareness of the problem and a desire to change. Such people need professional support.


Sadfishing again

Sadfishing is the capture of the public's emotions through pity.

Stars use their popularity to manipulate the feelings of their fans and get even more likes, comments, subscriptions and donations from them.
They post photos and videos of themselves crying, complaining about their problems, or even threatening suicide. They want to evoke pity, sympathy, and admiration from their audience by playing on people's emotions.

In addition to the sadfishing example of singer Charlotte, who has announced his death several times to attract attention to himself, there are many cases where celebrities have done the same.

Sadfishing: How Bloggers Play on Our Emotions for Likes and Money

For example, Dasha Kaplan, who collected 500 thousand rubles in 30 minutes, complaining about Yulik, with whom she broke up immediately after the wedding.

She did it not only because she felt bad or needed help, but more to advertise her new projects and collect donations. She deceived her fans, played on their feelings and was ready to do anything to stay in the spotlight and earn even more money.

Author: Belnovosti Editing of the Internet portal

  1. Why is Charlotte acting so irresponsibly and cynically?
  2. How to get rid of such an addiction
  3. Sadfishing again
  4. Sadfishing: How Bloggers Play on Our Emotions for Likes and Money