How to recognize a person who "drains" energy: the opinion of experts

21.04.2023 21:00

All people can periodically encounter acquaintances who literally “drain” all the positive energy.

After such leisure there is no energy or time left for anything.

If you don’t want to experience such unpleasant consequences, then you should immediately identify potential energy vampires.

What signs give them away?

All conversations come down to one thing

A normal dialogue involves an exchange of opinions. If we are talking about a "problem" friend, then he will turn any conversation into a conversation about himself.

This is a very tedious task.

Photo: Pixabay

Everyone around is to blame

Such people prefer to believe that they cannot be guilty of anything: the reason is a combination of circumstances and the machinations of enemies.

This is a childish excuse and an inability to take responsibility for one's own life, experts note.

Everything is always very bad

People who are used to feeding on other people's attention try to make their lives more dramatic. Therefore, they need friends and their support on a permanent basis.

If your loved one is having a streak of bad luck, you can help them. But bad luck cannot last forever.

Author: Marina Michalap Internet resource editor

  1. What signs give them away?
  2. All conversations come down to one thing
  3. Everyone around is to blame
  4. Everything is always very bad