A man who decides to commit adultery is looking for new sensations.
A woman is driven to cheat by the desire to find a deep and strong emotional connection with a man, problems with self-esteem and other factors.
The reasons for female infidelity have so fascinated scientists from the Canadian University of New Brunswick that they decided to devote an entire study to it under the supervision of Professor Lucia O'Sullivan, writes the publication " russian7.ru ".
If a woman is depressed or has experienced psychological trauma in childhood, she will increase her self-esteem through romantic relationships.
In some way she is affirmed in her importance and feels needed.
The action may be based on the Old Testament principle of an eye for an eye.
If the husband does not live up to expectations, then betrayal will be used as a counterattack.
If a woman understands that her whole life consists of playing the roles of mother, wife, housekeeper, etc., and her husband has stopped seeing her as his beloved woman, then she will think about how to fill the resulting void.
For a woman, a man's temperament is important. It is quite possible that she got a gentleman who is not the most active and experienced, who does not measure up in an intimate sense.
The lack of feelings on the side will also have to be compensated for if the woman does not feel unity with her partner.
Many people are firmly convinced that it is easier for a woman to make a decision about divorce than for a man.
Having decided to put an end to an unsuccessful romance, the lady will look for a new option on the side.