It would not be amiss to remind men and women how different they are as creatures.
One can only wonder how we manage to find a common language and other points of contact. Let's take flirting, for example - the woman doesn't think anything like that, but the man is already tense.
Why this happens is reported by Lady, citing an expert.
According to the psychologist, such situations are not uncommon. But in general, there are 5 female signals that a man mistakenly perceives as flirting.
Women should not look at a man longer than the situation requires.
Otherwise, your interest will be interpreted in a completely different way.
At the very least, a man will think that he is starting to play some kind of role in a woman’s life, and maybe she even likes him.
A handshake, touching hands, shoulders or other parts of the body for a man is no longer just a sign of sympathy.
Even if it is a completely casual gesture, a man may think that a woman is considering him as a potential partner.
Ladies can fix their hair and that's okay.
But be careful not to tug or twist a strand of hair in your hands or stroke your locks in the presence of a man.
All this is terribly attractive to male attention.
By showing a keen interest in a man's conversation and asking personal questions, you also risk arousing his romantic interest.
A smile can freeze on a woman's face if she is thinking about something of her own.
But if you add to your smile a special tilt of the head, “shooting” with the eyes, whispering with friends and light laughter, then turning a man’s head will not be difficult.
Therefore, if you don’t want unnecessary attention, be careful in male company, especially when you want to maintain friendship and nothing more.